
Our Collective Voice

Speaking in one voice strengthens our power on the issues that matter most.

The APA:

  • Supports your local in building power and solidarity through internal organizing.
  • Provides opportunities for leadership development.
  • Influences education policy through member engagement with legislators, policymakers and coalition partners.
  • Provides legal protection of your First Amendment rights to speak freely.
  • Connects you with your community.
  • Puts the APA and you, our members, in the media — and the public eye.

Professional Support and Growth

We are committed to supporting the schools our students deserve, increasing and protecting educator autonomy and assisting our members as they grow from novice to experienced practitioner.

The APA:

  • Supports collective bargaining — with an emphasis on professional development opportunities, time to share and develop practices, and professional autonomy.
  • Offers information and support for members on licensure, educator evaluation and assignment.
  • Engages the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to include member voices in education policy decisions.
  • Brings members together to learn, connect, network at our annual Summer Conference as well as regional and statewide professional development conferences addressing current trends in teaching, learning and education policy for preservice teachers, new members, higher education professionals, veteran educators and education support professionals.