Minutes 2018-01

Statewide Executive Board Meeting Worcester Educator’s Association Office Worcester, MA. Friday, January 19, 2018

Attending: Sherry Horeanopoulos (APA President/FitchburgSU), Charlie Cianfarini (APA Vice President/MCLA), Michael Pelletier (President/SalemSU), Katie D’Urso (MTA), Kathi Bradford, APA Secretary (Westfield SU), Mark Powers (President/Framingham), Howie Larosee (President, MassArtSU), Rich Sutter (President/WestfieldSU) (arrived at 10:33am), Aaron Childs (APA Membership/WestfieldSU), Mike Storey (President/BridgewaterSU), Marissa Barrios (MassMaritime for Edward Vacha)

Not Attending:
Jim Murphy, Treasurer, Alan Jackson (President/WorcesterSU),

I. Call to Order

at 10:26am by Sherry who welcomed Marissa who is covering for Edward.

II. Approval of Minutes

  • Motion to approve the minutes of December 15 meeting made by Mark and seconded by Howie. PASSED 7‐0‐1

III. President’s Report

  • GIC update:
    • Sherry and others going to the hearing in Worcester today.
    • Sherry shared the process that happened with late notification.
    • February1isanimportantmeetingtodecide.
    • Vince Pedone said no one knew in advance about the situation.
  • HELC: Met but Sherry did not attend. She sent the update to the board.
  • Mark, Sherry, Katie and Framingham member met re: CAS hearing. Hearing is 1/30.
  • Katie discussed using electronic voting process. Could work but, we need to have meetings with all members and agency fee employees before voting. Do we want to have to pay for two processes? One for ratification and one for election of officers. We discussed process and agreed to do it for elected officers, using work email, for 1‐5 days. We need to vote to ratify by 30 days from agreement. Katie will check with Intelliscan.
  • Negotiations update
    • After last meeting Sherry hoped to resolve everything by 1/18. She began chatting with Jim Cox (without proposals) and talked about vacation and sick leave accrual. They are not flexible at all with this. They talked about tuition remission. RE: Campus Police, they expect to receive what AFSCME does. Jim said he thought they would settle by March. No need for speed, they will not fund anything until MSCA settles. Howie shared that the UMASS contract is dealing with the police. Vacation and sick leave accrual. . .change from 480 to 375 hours (64 to 50 days).
    • A newsletter was suggested to give the details to the membership to share the “real information” not just the money details. The consensus of the group was to wait.
    • Presidents will support 5% (of each person’s salary) professional development bonus that will be funded by President’s according to a possible separate MOA with the Presidents. Sherry will clarify this.
    • Goal is to move from calendar year to FY year with the other unions.
    • Katie will send any updates next week.
    • UMASS contracts are still in negotiation. They do not want us to settle.
    • MSCA is on board with us completely. CJ is supporting us and digging in his heels. Pending unfair labor practice.
    • MCCC has been bargaining longer and have agreed to all except salary.
    • After any resolution of our issues, we may not be able to hold out. We will get flak from our membership.

IV. Treasurer’s Report‐ Jim

  • Payroll due on Tuesday, January 23, by 12:00pm – please get payroll in on time.
  • Please see Jim’s email re: treasurer’s report.
  • Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by Howie, 2nd by Charlie. PASSED 8‐0‐0

V. Membership and Data – Aaron

  • 1404 members, up 8 from December
  • 76 agency members, up 2 from December
  • 1 cash payer
  • SSL certification expires next month. Aaron will renew and talk about the possibility of a 3 year renewal which costs about $419.
  • Discussion about webmaster position. Hold until February.

VI. Health and Welfare Report – AJ

– No report

V. Committee Reports

– No reports

VI. Old/New Business

  • Need to appoint local election official for each campus. If you are running for state office, get your stuff in order.
  • Katie asked if we were interested in a “gift” for our members for purposes of identifying as APA. (ie: pads of paper, post it notes, mouse pad, cleaner for keyboard, pop‐socket for phone, ID holder, pens, “press pass”
  • Annual MTA meeting is May 4‐5.
  • February, March and April meetings will have candidates to discuss their plans.

X. Adjournment

– Motion to adjourn at 1:01pm by Marissa, second by Charlie. PASSED 6‐0‐1

Next Meeting: Auburn, MA. January 19, 2018. 10:00am