Minutes 2021-11


Thursday, November 18, 2021 – Zoom – Institutional Issues

10:00 am Friday, November 19, 2021 – Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA), North Adams and ZOOM Room

Location: Zoom and MCLA, North Adams MA


APA Statewide

  • Sherry Horeanopoulos, President and Fitchburg State President
  • Charlie Cianfarini, Vice President
  • Mark Powers, Secretary
  • Maria Brunelle, Treasurer (non-voting)
  • Aaron Childs, Membership Coordinator (non-voting)
  • Gerol Petruzella, Web Manager (non-voting)
  • Catherine Santiago, MTA Field Representative (non-voting)

APA Chapter Presidents

  • Seth Bean, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
  • Brian Cahillane, Westfield State University
  • Jane Decatur, Framingham State University
  • Susan McNeil, Massachusetts College of Art & Design
  • Mike Pelletier, Salem State University
  • Mike Storey, Bridgewater State University
  • Edward Vacha, Massachusetts Maritime Academy
  • Peter Fenuccio, Worcester State University


  • Auditors: Kaitlyn Paul & Peter Brown


APA Statewide

  • Roberta James, MTA Field Representative

Call to Order

  • 7:11pm 11/18/2021
  • 10:04am 11/19/2021

Approval of Minutes

  1. Friday, October 15, 2021
  • Amendments: None
  • Motion to approve membership report as presented/amended made: by S. McNeil
  • 2nd by: P. Fenuccio
  • Vote: Unanimous
  • Action: Motion Carries

Public Comments


President’s Report – Sherry Horeanopoulos

  1. Latest update on contract funding. Not likely going to happen before the end of the calendar year.
  2. Motion 2021.11.18-01
    Motion to make the following Resolution:
    BE IT RESOLVED that the Executive Board of the APA hereby request that the MTA Leadership initiate an MTA Membership-wide Communication/Media/Lobbying Campaign directed at the Governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts demanding that the Governor immediately directs the legislative funding for all ratified higher education collective bargaining agreements.
    1. by: S. Bean
    2. Second by: S. McNeil
    3. Vote: unanimous
    4. Action: motion carries
  3. Candidates for MTA President. Should APA support a single candidate?
  4. Meeting with Jum Cox and Vincent Pedone on Monday, November 22, 2021, regarding the finalization of the salary table in the CBA. Will request information for all salaries for each APA member on each campus.

Treasurer’s Report – Maria Brunelle

  1. Payroll due on Tuesday, November 23, 2021 by 12:00pm.
  2. Approval of October Report
  • Amendments: None
  • Motion to approve membership report as presented/amended made by: S. McNeil
  • 2nd by: S. Bean
  • Vote: Unanimous
  • Action: Motion Carries
  1. Auditor’s Report
    1. Clean Opinion. Report Card “A”.

Membership and Data – Aaron Childs

  1. 1342 Overall Membership since October 2021. An increase of 16.
  2. 159 Non-Dues Paying Member. An increase of 0 since October 2021.

Website – Gerol Petruzella

  1. September report.
  2. Motion 2021.11.18-02: Motion to accept all website recommendations.
    1. by: B. Cahillane
    2. Second by: S. McNeil
    3. Vote: unanimous
    4. Action: motion carries
  3. Motion 2021.11.18-03: Motion to fund all recommended website changes at an hourly rate of $25.00.
    1. by: B. Cahillane
    2. Second by: P. Fenuccio
    3. Vote: unanimous
    4. Action: motion carries

Health and Welfare Fund Report – Mike Storey

  1. Health and Welfare Trust updates – Oct 22 meeting.
    1. Tim Gray: (Gray Group-Investment Advisor)
      1. Equity market has increased Trust over last 5 years
      2. Next 5 years inflation will effect Trust. Recommendation to adjust portfolio by moving cash into stock market portfolio to increase interest earned. Right now Bank interest is basically 0%.
      3. Trust will be moving from E. Boston Bank to Rockland Trust. The E. Boston team we have worked with is going to Salem 5 Bank. At December HWT meeting Salem 5 will make presentation to move funds to them.
    2. Mike Murray-DHE
      1. 2014 was last time there was an increase in State funding to Trust.
      2. DHE says funding from state will increase 23% from $5.3M to $6.5M in FY23 State Budget
    3. Jack Nicolas: (KD/HPI-Fund Administrator)
      1. presented Mike Murray a 5-year cost analysis report on the trust
      2. trust has 3 months in reserves. Should really have 6 months for emergencies.
    4. Mike Abela: (MetLife-Dental Carrier)
      1. 91% loss ratio the last 3 months. Higher than usual due to more members getting dental work after extended period of not having work done or delayed.
      2. Premium Billed: $1,571,522.59 / Claims Paid: $1,435,500.99 / Ratio Claims to Premium: 91%
      3. 2023 will be year that MetLife contract is up for renewal. HWT will review other Dental carriers during this period to get best benefit package for our members.
    5. MTA Motion to consider moving to MPE Fund (tabled)
      1. Mike Murray sits on their Board
      2. MPE has over 10K in members
      3. MSCA or APA could not do for 3 years now that recent contract is ratified
      4. no employee contributions
      5. MPE would have to approve new members

Committee Reports

Budget Committee – Mike Storey

Nothing to report

Employee Relations Working Group – Mark Powers

Nothing to report

Professional Development – Edward Vacha

Nothing to report

Negotiations – Sherry Horeanopoulos

Nothing to report

Old/New Business

  1. FAQ of the Month for the Website for December – Nothing Suggested

Institutional Issues


  1. None.


  1. Meeting on 11/18/2021
    1. Motion to Adjourn made at 8:29pm by: S. McNeil
    2. 2nd by: S. Bean
    3. Vote: Unanimous
    4. Action: Motion Carries
  2. Meeting on 11/19/2021
    1. Motion to Adjourn made at 11:30am by: S. McNeil
    2. 2nd by: M. Storey
    3. Vote: Unanimous
    4. Action: Motion Carries

Next Meeting: 10:00 – December 17, 2021 at MTA Office @ 12 E Worcester St 2nd Fl and Zoom