Minutes 2022-06

Date/Time: 10:00 am Friday, June 17, 2022

Location: MTA Office @ 12 E Worcester St 2nd Fl, and Zoom


APA Statewide

  • Seth Bean, President
  • Susan McNeil, Vice President
  • Mark Powers, Secretary
  • Catherine Santiago, MTA Field Representative (Non-Voting)

APA Chapter Presidents

  • Seth Bean, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
  • Renee Bernier, Bridgewater State University
  • Brian Cahillane, Westfield State University
  • Jane Decatur, Framingham State University
  • Peter Fenuccio, Worcester State University
  • Sherry Horeanopoulos, Fitchburg State President
  • Susan McNeil, Massachusetts College of Art & Design
  • Rosa Taormina, Salem State University
  • Edward Vacha, Massachusetts Maritime Academy


  • Charlie Cianfarini, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts
  • Brian Helman, Salem State University


APA Statewide

  • Maria Brunelle, Treasurer (Non-Voting)
  • Aaron Childs, Membership Coordinator (Non-Voting)
  • Gerol Petruzella, Web Manager (Non-Voting)
  • Mike Storey, Health & Welfare Representative (Non-Voting)
  • Roberta James, MTA Field Representative (Non-Voting)

APA Chapter Presidents

  • Renee Bernier, Bridgewater State University
  • Peter Fenuccio, Worcester State University
  • Sherry Horeanopoulos, Fitchburg State University
  • Rosa Taormina, Salem State University

Call to Order

  • 9:26 am

Approval of Minutes

  1. Friday, April 15, 2022
  • Amendments: none
  • Motion to approve membership report as presented made: by S. McNeil
  • 2nd by: E. Vacha
  • Vote: 5-0-1
  • Action: Motion Carries
  1. Friday, June 3, 2022 Emergency E-Board Meeting
  • Amendments: None.
  • Motion to approve membership report as presented/amended made: by S. McNeil
  • 2nd by: E. Vacha
  • Vote: 5-0-1
  • Action: Motion Carries

Public Comments

  • None.

President’s Report

  1. Experience at Faculty Negotiations as a silent observer:
  • Management wants Vaccine Mandate MOA to expire
  • Management wants Mask Mandate MOA extended to one year
  • Management wants Health & Safety in Classroom/Office to expire
  1. Current contract update. Pronouns corrected
  2. APA Chapter Presidents – $550.00 towards laptop is treated as a personal expense to be submitted on monthly expense report as the individual is taxed on the amount.
  3. MTA Updates – Catherine
  • Bargaining & Contract Campaign Training Series – July 12, 19, & 26
  • MTGA Summer Conference July 31-August 3 in-person at UMass Amherst

Treasurer’s Report – Maria Brunelle

  1. Payroll due on Tuesday, June 21, 2022 by 12:00pm.
  2. Approval of April Treasurer’s Report
  • Amendments: None
  • Motion to approve membership report as presented/amended made by: S. McNeil
  • 2nd by: J. Decatur
  • Vote: Unanimous
  • Action: Motion Carries
  1. Approval of May Treasurer’s Report
  • Amendments: None
  • Motion to approve membership report as presented/amended made by: S. McNeil
  • 2nd by: J. Decatur
  • Vote: Unanimous
  • Action: Motion Carries

Membership and Data – Aaron Childs

  1. 1346 Overall Membership since May 2022. A decrease of 8.
  2. 151 Non-Dues Paying Members. A decrease of 3 since April 2022.
  3. The State has migrated the system where I download the SFED reports to authenticate against their AzureAD Tenant. They’ve configured it so it is password-less and utilizes MFA. For me to login, a code is emailed to my SS account and a push notification is sent to my cell phone for approval.

    Seth and I had a meeting with Catherine and Lauren Joyce at the MTA regarding access and features of their database. They are looking to use more automation with their database and offered to grant me more access to their system in lieu of maintaining our own separate database. I am not too comfortable at the moment doing that as I have a few scripts I use to keep our database in check and free of duplicate records and also to do periodic audits against the SFED reports from Boston to check for employees who have left the APA. Also the most important script used sends out the monthly membership reports.
  4. Seth and I also enrolled us into the Board approved paid plan for our Executive Board accounts. During the enrollment, we found that we won’t be charged until August 25. From August 25, 2022 – August 25, 2023 we will only be charged 50%. After August 25, 2023 we will be charged the full rate of $12 per user, per month.

Website – Gerol Petruzella

  1. 1 April – 30 April 2022
    1. Website Overview – Users. During April 2022, maapa.org saw decreases in both users and sessions relative to March 2022 (Figure 1). The most popular days/times for users to visit the site were Fridays between 9a and 3p ET, then Mondays & Wednesdays between 8a and 3p ET (Figure 2).
    2. Website Overview – Traffic. Traffic to maapa.org was predominantly direct traffic or the result of a Google search (Figure 3). The top 10 most visited pages are indicated (Figure 4).
    3. Website Overview – Other. I performed content updates on the site including:
      a. Updated meeting minutes.
    4. I continued to maintain an internal WordPress instance of the site in parallel with the “live” Drupal instance. As the Drupal instance falls further behind in security updates, I continue to recommend transitioning to the WordPress CMS as soon as possible.
  2. 1 May – 31 May 2022
    1. Website Overview – Users. During May 2022, maapa.org saw decreases in both users and sessions relative to March 2022 (Figure 1). The most popular days/times for users to visit the site were Tuesdays between 9a and 4p ET, then Mondays & Thursdays between 8a and 5p ET (Figure 2).
    2. Website Overview – Traffic. Traffic to maapa.org was predominantly direct traffic or the result of a Google search (Figure 3). The top 10 most visited pages are indicated (Figure 4).
    3. Website Overview – Other. I performed content updates on the site including:
      a. Updated meeting minutes.
    4. I continued to maintain an internal WordPress instance of the site in parallel with the “live” Drupal instance. As the Drupal instance falls further behind in security updates, I continue to recommend transitioning to the WordPress CMS as soon as possible.

Health and Welfare Fund Report – Mike Storey

  1. No report.
  2. Next meeting is Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Committee Reports

Budget Committee – Rosa Taormina & Seth Bean

  • No report.

Working Committee for Employee Relations Committee

  • No report.

Professional Development – Sherry Horeanopoulos & Ed Vacha

  • No report.

Special Committees:

  1. Committee on Legislative Action – Susan McNeil, Seth Bean, & Sherry Horeanopoulos
    1. Presentation postponed.
  2. Committee on Health & Safety – Renee Bernier & Susan McNeil
    1. Met in May to go over survey results and to send out to the APA E-Board.

Negotiations – Contract Committee

  1. Employee Relations Committee – Brian Cahillane, Jane Decatur, & Rosa Taormina
  • Topics for next round of negotiations:
    • Salary Compression
    • Longevity
    • Workload
  • Find previous proposals during last negotiations that were put aside due to signing of agreement.

Old/New Business

  1. FAQ of the Month for the Website for July
    Process of Grievance thru Arbitration
  2. Discussion regarding Mask and Vaccine Mandate Negotiations.
    On 6/22 from 12-2pm, APA E-Board will be meeting with Management to discuss Covid related Health & Safety issues.
  3. Next APA/MSCA/ AFSCME monthly meeting – talk about Silent Representatives at the next Collective Bargaining process.
  4. Logo – legal hurdles with release form, should we pursue copyright?
    Add “of the Massachusetts State University System” to the new logo.
    MTA can draft waiver of member’s right to logo
  5. MTA Dues bylaw change – local distribution of dues.
  • Motion 2022.06.17-01
    Move to not implement the MTA By-law change of 2022 regarding dues allocation structure.
  • Moved by: S. McNeil
  • 2nd by: J. Decatur
  • Vote: Unanimous
  • Action: Motion Carries
  1. Non-Paying member engagement – MTA would like to know if locals would like their help in re-engaging non-paying members with membership staff to try to change their minds on paying dues.
  2. Health & Welfare Fund representative selection – Mike Storey is retiring August 1, 2022; we will need to select a new representative from our APA E-Board, so Mike can let them know who will be his successor for the new Health & Welfare Fund meeting. $75.00 monthly stipend.
  • Motion 2022.06.17-02
    Move to appoint Susan McNeil as the Health & Welfare Fund representative.
  • Moved by: M. Powers
  • 2nd by: S. Bean
  • Vote: 5-0-1
  • Action: Motion
  1. Set Meeting Dates for E-Board for August 2022 through June 2023.
    September 16, 2022 Virtual
    October 21, 2022 Virtual
    November 18, 2022 Annual Meeting for Membership – Hybrid format
    December 16, 2022 In-Person with Location TBD
    January 20, 2023 Virtual
    February 17, 2023 Virtual
    March 17, 2023 Virtual
    April 21, 2023 Virtual
    June 16, 2023 In-Person with Location TBD
  • Motion 2022.06.17-03
    Move to approve the Meeting Dates for FY23 as modified.
  • Moved by: S. Bean
  • 2nd by: E. Vacha
  • Vote: 5-1-0
  • Action: Motion Carries
  1. Motion 2022.06.17-04
  • Move to go to Executive Session to discuss Institutional Issues.
  • Moved by: M. Powers
  • 2nd by: S. McNeil
  • Vote: Unanimous
  • Action: Motion Carries

Institutional Issues




  1. Motion to Adjourn made at 2:16pm by: S. McNeil
  2. 2nd by: J. Decatur
  3. Vote: Unanimous
  4. Action: Motion Carries

Next Meeting: September 16, 2022 – Zoom