Author: webmanager

  • President’s Message: June 28, 2024

    President’s Message: June 28, 2024

    Hello APA Members, I hope your summers are going well and you all are able to take some much-needed time to rest and be with your families and friends. On behalf of the APA Bargaining Team, I wanted to provide an update on contract negotiations. We continue to meet with Management and present language change…

  • Minutes 2024-5

    Date/Time: Friday, May 17, 2024, 10:00amLocation: ZOOM Room Present APA Statewide APA Chapter Presidents Guests Absent APA Statewide APA Chapter Presidents Call to Order Emergency May Meeting Adjournment

  • Minutes 2024-4

    Date/Time: Friday, April 19, 2024, 10:00amLocation: ZOOM Room Present APA Statewide APA Chapter Presidents Guests Absent APA Statewide APA Chapter Presidents Call to Order Approval of Minutes Public Comments President’s Report – Susan McNeil Treasurer’s Report – Maria Brunelle Membership and Data – Aaron Childs Website – Julie Dunlap LePoer Health and Welfare Fund Report…

  • President’s Message: May 17, 2024

    President’s Message: May 17, 2024

    Hello APA Members, I wanted to provide an update on negotiations. Our Executive Board has been working hard and putting in a lot of long hours drafting proposals for language changes to our contract. These proposals are a direct response to the survey results and issues that were identified as the most important. thanks to…

  • Question: Silent Representatives

    Question: Silent Representatives

    Question: What is a silent representative? How do I become one? Answer: Silent representatives attend, listen, and observe the bargaining sessions, meet with other silent representatives as a team to caucus and provide feedback to the core bargaining team, which is comprised of the elected state-wide and chapter representatives. Silent representatives provide valuable insight into…

  • President’s Message: April 29, 2024

    President’s Message: April 29, 2024

    Hello APA Members, I wanted to provide you with a quick update on some recent APA events: I wish you all a happy and stress-free commencement. Thank you for all you do for our students and campuses. In solidarity,Seth Bean, APA President

  • Minutes 2024-3

    Date/Time: Friday, March 15, 2024, 10:00amLocation: ZOOM Room Present APA Statewide APA Chapter Presidents Guests Absent APA Statewide APA Chapter Presidents Call to Order Approval of Minutes Public Comments President’s Report – Seth Bean Draft of an Information Request (see #3 above) We are submitting this information request on behalf of APA and in accordance…

  • Minutes 2024-2

    Date/Time: Friday, February 16, 2024, 10:00amLocation: ZOOM Room Present APA Statewide APA Chapter Presidents Guests Absent APA Statewide APA Chapter Presidents Call to Order Approval of Minutes Public Comments President’s Report – Seth Bean Treasurer’s Report – Maria Brunelle Membership and Data – Aaron Childs Website – Julie Dunlap LePoer Health and Welfare Fund Report…

  • Question: Working During University Closure

    Question: Working During University Closure

    Question: Am I required to work when my university is closed due to inclement weather or other circumstances? Answer: Only members who are designated as Essential Personnel are required to report to work during an emergency closure of the university. The time worked by administrators who are designated as Essential Personnel shall be considered a…

  • Minutes 2024-1

    Date/Time: Friday, January 19, 2024, 10:00amLocation: Zoom Present APA Statewide APA Chapter Presidents Guests Absent APA Statewide APA Chapter Presidents Call to Order Approval of Minutes Public Comments President’s Report – Seth Bean Treasurer’s Report – Maria Brunelle Membership and Data – Aaron Childs Website – Julie Dunlap LePoer Health and Welfare Fund Report –…