Category: Negotiation

  • President’s Message: June 28, 2024

    President’s Message: June 28, 2024

    Hello APA Members, I hope your summers are going well and you all are able to take some much-needed time to rest and be with your families and friends. On behalf of the APA Bargaining Team, I wanted to provide an update on contract negotiations. We continue to meet with Management and present language change…

  • President’s Message: May 17, 2024

    President’s Message: May 17, 2024

    Hello APA Members, I wanted to provide an update on negotiations. Our Executive Board has been working hard and putting in a lot of long hours drafting proposals for language changes to our contract. These proposals are a direct response to the survey results and issues that were identified as the most important. thanks to…

  • President’s Message: April 29, 2024

    President’s Message: April 29, 2024

    Hello APA Members, I wanted to provide you with a quick update on some recent APA events: I wish you all a happy and stress-free commencement. Thank you for all you do for our students and campuses. In solidarity,Seth Bean, APA President

  • Question: Parameters

    Question: Parameters

    Question: How do parameters work in higher ed? Answer: The parameters represent the amount of money that the state will provide to the public colleges and universities for the salaries of employees in collective bargaining units. Any money spent in a collective bargaining agreement that is more than the parameters must be paid by the…

  • Cost of Living Increases and Retro Payments – December 2023

    Cost of Living Increases and Retro Payments – December 2023

    From the Office of the Comptroller: Cost of Living Increases, Retro Payments will be processed simultaneously; paychecks issues with a check date of Friday, December 22. Due to the Legislature’s recent enactment and Governor’s signature of the Closeout Supplemental Budget for Fiscal Year 2023, the Office of the Comptroller will process collectively bargained cost-of-living adjustments…

  • President’s Message: December 4, 2023

    President’s Message: December 4, 2023

    Hello APA Members, Our contracts have passed the State Legislature!  Thanks to our advocacy, as a union, as unions working together across industries and across the state, 116 representatives showed up today, during an informal session, and DID THEIR JOB!  They had the votes to certify they had a quorum of members to vote on…

  • President’s Message: December 1, 2023

    President’s Message: December 1, 2023

    Hello APA Members, Yesterday was a great day in Union Solidarity, as Higher Education unions including APA, MSCA, AFSCME, and unions representing members at the community colleges and the UMASS system all demonstrated at Noon yesterday in protest of the delay of our contracts being funded.  Please check our website,, for links to the media…

  • November 30 Demonstrations

    November 30 Demonstrations

    On Thursday, state university employees on campuses across the Commonwealth gathered to urge the state Legislature to fund the already negotiated and ratified contracts for 60,000 state employees, including 15,000 MTA higher ed members. Photo Highlights News Articles

  • Letter From APA Executive Board

    Letter From APA Executive Board

    November 21, 2023 Hello APA Members, Yesterday was a great day for Massachusetts union solidarity. APA joined thousands of union workers across the state from many different state departments who showed up to make it clear that our contracts need to be funded.  Our very own Susan McNeil, State-wide VP and MassArt Chapter President, did…

  • President’s Message: November 9, 2023

    President’s Message: November 9, 2023

    Hello APA Members!   Thanks to the efforts of our APA Executive Board and APA members across the state, our state representatives heard our requests, pleas, demands for the APA and MSCA contracts to be added to the closeout budget bill.  The APA and MSCA contracts were both added to an amendment to House Bill…