Question: Additional Duties

Question: An APA staff member* has left work and I have had to take on some or all of their job duties. When do I qualify for additional pay for doing this? What are my next steps?

Answer: The first step is to get it in writing that you are expected to assume these duties. Once the time that you have been asked to take these duties on has eclipsed 20 days, you are then eligible for acting pay (minimum of $100/week). You are eligible for this pay when you have taken over duties “as a replacement for a person on educational leave or appointed to an acting position at a higher rank than their present position or holding a second appointment in an acting position”. If you have difficulty getting this processed with your supervisor or Human Resources, please contact your Chapter President or Chapter Grievance Officer for assistance.

*You should never be asked to do work assigned to another union i.e. AFSCME; that is a labor violation.